Thursday, May 10, 2012

Final Blog Post

I came into this class not knowing anything about the programs we were going to be expected to use.  I was extremely nervous and daunted, worrying constantly about how I was going to make it through this class still sane.  I'm not going to lie and say that this class was easy or really fun.  But I am going to be honest and say that out of all of my classes to date, this has probably been one of the most benefical classes I have taken.  I struggled through every single assignment, mainly just trying to figure out how to work each of the programs.  There were times I wanted to cry and times I literally wanted to break my computer with a hammer, but I was able to pull myself through.  My assignments may not have been the most shining, exemplary examples of greatness, but for me they were pretty awesome because I was able to figure out each of those programs and produce something of value.  I would like to thank everyone for their great comments, questions, and help: you really helped me get through this. :)

 Technofied Lesson

I have attached a attachment so that you may view my Solar System lesson.

Prezi Presentation for Solar System Lesson

I am reposting my podcast because for some reason the original will not play.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I have always been fascinated with ancient civilizations, so decided to base my webquest around the Inca who were a very amazing culture.  I hope you enjoy. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Wow life really gets away from us.  Here is my presentation...finally.  I have an iPad, but don't know an eighth of what it can do.  I was very interested in finding out how it could be used in a classroom and what types of educational apps are out there.  I will have to go get an app card now and get a bunch of them to play with over the summer!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Personal Tale 

Personal Tale Rubric

Creativity: Demonstrate the ability to combine audio and visuals that are appropriate for a personal tale _/2pts

Content: Make a personal story no longer than 3 minutes in length _/2pts

             - Audio and visual work together _/2pts
            - Free of spell and grammatical errors _/1pt
            - Clear transitions _/1pt

Organization: There is a beginning, middle and a end _/2pts